scilog - the FWF Science Magazine

It all begins with curiosity, which is the starting point for knowledge and development. How does the human immune system work? What makes this snail unique? How can we predict climate changes? What do we learn from nature and what from history? Our scilog magazine offers you access to first-hand, evidence-based knowledge. We talk to top researchers in Austria, look over their shoulders as they work, and share their findings across disciplines. The knowledge they generate is the foundation for fact-based discourse, problem-solving skills, and progress.

We are convinced that science is the future for all of us. And just as the exchange of knowledge is key to good research, we want to use scilog magazine to mediate between science and the public: for transparency and fruitful cooperation, for a better understanding of how things are connected, and to encourage trust in research. Let’s stay in touch!

Editorial team

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Ingrid Ladner
T +43 676 83487 8117

Editors: Margit Schwarz-Stiglbauer, Marc Seumenicht

Do you have any comments, ideas or recommendations?

Please address them to: redaktion(at)